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The Short-Term Operational Support program provides immediate one-time grants to arts non-profit organizations facing financial hardship due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control as determined by State and Federal governments. Funds are intended to be used for staff retention and ongoing facility expenses in the creative arts sector in Kansas.

In 2021, this round was open due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding for this program comes from the National Endowment for the Arts through the 2021 federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

Who’s eligible?

Independent Non-profit 501(c)(3) arts organizations based in Kansas whose primary purpose is to produce, present, promote or serve the arts

*The following are not eligible for SOS Program funding:

  • Individuals
  • for-profit entities
  • organizations whose primary focus, programming, and mission is not specifically arts related
  • political and advocacy organizations
  • Government agencies and University/Community College departments & affiliates
  • organizations that receive direct ARP funding from Humanities Kansas.
  • Due to differing award timelines, KCAIC will accept and review applications of those applying to multiple agencies (such as NEA, MAAA) but will not make awards until a determination is made from all relevant agencies. Though awards may be limited to a single source, applicants are encouraged to apply for all applicable funding agencies for the widest range of options .

What can grant dollars be used for?

  • Salary support, full or partial, for one or more positions that are critical to an organization’s artistic mission.
  • Fees to support the services of contractual personnel for specific activities required as part of annual organizational operations.
  • Facilities operational costs such as rent and utilities.
  • Costs associated with health and safety supplies for staff and/or visitors/audiences (e.g., personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, etc.).
  • Marketing and promotion costs

Funds can be applied to expenses starting on the date of award notice (approx. Oct 1, 2021) through January 31, 2021.

Note: limited extension may be granted on a case by case basis.

What is the maximum allowable grant amount?

Individual award amounts will be based demonstrated monthly payroll and facility costs.

Actual amounts will be determined based on available funding and the size of eligible applicant pool.

What’s the application and award process?

Applications should be submitted to the Kansas Department of Commerce from August 10-September 4, 2021.

Applications will be reviewed throughout September 2021. Applications are reviewed by a committee of KCAIC and Kansas Department of Commerce staff.

Grant recommendations and reviews will be presented to the full Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission Board which will make final determination based on available funding and size of qualified applicant pool. Funding recommendations must be approved by the KCAIC, the only body authorized to make final funding decisions. It is possible that not all applications will be funded. If a grant is awarded, KCAIC will notify the applicant within one week of funding determination.

What documents will the application require?

  • Federal Tax ID
  • DUNS Number
  • Board Membership List
  • Staff List (if applicable)
  • Annual Operating Budget (from the most recently completed fiscal year)
  • Form 990 (most recently filed)
  • IRS Determination Letter
  • Certificate of Good Standing from the KS Secretary of State
  • W-9 (signed & dated)

Click here to review full program guidelines.

* In 2021, this round will be open due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding for this program comes from the National Endowment for the Arts through the 2021 Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).



