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CDBG-CV3 Applications Complete

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are an important tool in supporting small Kansas communities. Now, as communities come together in their response to COVID-19, additional CDBG resources are being made available through the CDBG-CV3 program.

CDBG-CV3 has one funding category: Economic Development (Job Retention)

Funds were awarded to cities and counties in July of 2021.

Eligible Applicants

  • All Kansas cities and counties that were not awarded CDBG CV1 and CV2 grants
  • All Kansas cities with a population under 50,000 and all Kansas counties with a population under 200,000 (Kansas City, Wichita, Topeka, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Manhattan, Overland Park and Johnson County are not eligible to apply)

Eligibility Requirements

  • Cities and counties with a CDBG Local Revolving Loan Fund (RLF & ML), must have a Zero Balance at the time of application to be eligible for CV3 funding

Eligible Activity

To be eligible to receive a CDBG-CV3 Economic Development grant, the recipient business must be a for-profit business and retaining jobs for low to moderate-income people. 51% or more of the full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs retained must be for persons from low to moderate-income households as defined by HUD.

CDBG-CV3 Economic Development grants can be used to pay for the following expenses:

  • Working capital such as wages, utilities (non-city-owned only), rent, inventory

Businesses with five or fewer employees (including the owner) are eligible to receive up to $25,000 per FTE job in CDBG-CV3 Economic Development grant funding (with a maximum of $30,000 per company).

Businesses with between six and 50 employees are eligible to receive up to $35,000 for each FTE job in CDBG-CV3 Economic Development grant funding (with a maximum of $50,000 per company).

CDBG-CV3 Grantee Meeting

Additional Resources

CDBG CV-3 Online Application Attachments
CDBG-CV Guidelines
CDBG-CV3 Grantee Meeting PowerPoint
Frequently Asked Questions
Guidance for Grantees

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