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STEP Event Opportunities

Supporting trade missions and shows for small businesses



Trade Missions and Shows

The State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) administered by the Kansas Department of Commerce provides financial assistance to small businesses located in Kansas to attend trade missions and shows. 

STEP Event Opportunities

2021 Paris Air Show

June 21-27, 2021

Kansas exports totaled $11.6 billion in 2019. Aircraft and parts exports remain the state’s most important sector for exports, totaling $2.2 billion. There are more than 350 small- and medium-sized aviation-related businesses in Kansas. Combined, these businesses provide more than 32,000 jobs in the state. 

To support these aerospace ESBCs, Commerce will provide exhibition opportunities to eight aviation companies under a Kansas Pavilion at the 2021 Paris Air Show. It is the largest event in the world dedicated to the aerospace industry. More than 2,500 international exhibitors and over 160,000 industry visitors from all over the world will attend the 2021 show. Kansas ESBCs will have the opportunity to meet major industry players, seize new business opportunities, present expertise and innovations to the world, forge technology partnerships and, most importantly, achieve export sales.

U.S. Commercial Service’s Trade Mission

The U.S. Government, in keeping with the National Export Initiative, is committed to sponsoring an unprecedented number of trade missions focusing on the most innovative and competitive sectors of the U.S. economy. These trade missions are overseas programs for U.S. firms that want to explore and pursue export opportunities by meeting directly with potential clients in their markets. 

The Kansas Department of Commerce will provide one funding opportunity to assist eligible small businesses participating in U.S. Department of Commerce organized trade missions.

For a list of upcoming certified trade shows, visit the U.S. Commercial Services Trade Events website.

State of Kansas Trade Missions

State of Kansas Trade Missions 

The state of Kansas regularly schedules trade missions, where eligible businesses have the opportunity to attend. More information about those missions will be made available as they are planned.

Other Eligible Trade Missions and Shows

For a list of upcoming certified trade shows, visit the U.S. Commercial Services Trade Events website.

Several funding opportunities will be made available to eligible small businesses in the form of post-activity reimbursement. 

To be eligible for any reimbursement for the activities above, companies must have applied for and been awarded a STEP grant from the Kansas Department of Commerce.

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