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Kansas Innovation & Technology Enterprise

Spurring innovation and commercialization by supporting entrepreneurs

The Kansas Innovation & Technology Enterprise (KITE) exists to cultivate and support innovation in Kansas. Through KITE, companies with advanced, innovative technology can find resources to help them expand, creating additional revenue and new jobs in Kansas. KITE programs are designed to further research, spur commercialization and assist entrepreneurs in raising funds to expand their businesses.

Kansas Innovation & Technology Enterprise Programs

Proof of Concept Fund
Angel Tax Credits
R&D Tax Credits


What makes an Innovator?

-Inventing the Microchip-
As a new employee Kilby had accrued no vacation so he worked alone in the lab while the plant was shut down for vacations in July. It was during this time that Kilby conceived and built the first electronic circuit. On September 12, 1958, he demonstrated his new invention, the integrated circuit or microchip, which he patented February 6, 1959. In his patent application Kilby described his new device as “a body of semiconductor material … wherein all the components of the electronic circuit are completely integrated.” – The Kansas Historical Society

Kansas Historical Society Pictures provided by Texas Instruments


What makes an Innovator?

-Bringing the Universe to Kansas-
“What makes Patty Carey tick,” he said, “is an above average intelligence, an insatiable curiosity and an unbounded enthusiasm. When you couple those with the ability to dream of what might be, and dogged determination not to be sidetracked, you have the ingredients that make a successful fundraiser. It’s harder to say no when the salesman is smarter than you are.“- Peter Macdonald Hutchinson, KS

-Cosmosphere, Hutchinson, KS,

KITE – Proof of Concept Program

The KITE Proof of Concept (POC) is designed to fill a need for support where typical funding mechanisms are not available, acting as a bridge between federal funding for basic research and commercial seed funding by angel or venture investors.

