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Kansas Certified Sites

Ready for Investment

A Kansas Certified Site designation has been issued to the listed properties. Each site has successfully completed a set of program requirements to demonstrate that the property is primed for development and ready for investment.

The Kansas Certified Site designation is valid for three years, unless the property is sold or leased within that time. To obtain the designation, communities must undergo a stringent review process that demonstrates they have addressed a defined set of prerequisites, including:

Ownership Information

Property information

Environmental and Cultural Information

Access Information

Community Information

Kansas Certified Sites

“Businesses need certainty and predictability when they’re making investment decisions, and that’s exactly what the Kansas Certified Site designation provides.”

Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland

Shovel Ready

Once certified, contractors looking to build and companies looking for a location know that a site is shovel ready. That’s a huge advantage for businesses and communities in this highly competitive marketplace.