Funding Limit
Not Required
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Funding Amounts
$2,000,000 is allocated for the CDBG COVID Resiliency (CDBG-CVR) program in 2023. Communities can request up to $150,000 for eligible expenses.
Qualifying Projects
Selection Criteria
Should any document be missing, incorrect or otherwise have deficiencies we will contact the applicant for corrections. Applications will be awarded on a 100-point rubric.
Yes. CVR is a competitive grant program. You can learn more about the application scoring by looking at the CVR guidelines.
Any cities/counties that are eligible for state CDBG funds are eligible to apply for this grant. Like the other CDBG grants, only cities/counties can apply. The cities and counties ineligible include Kansas City, Wichita, Topeka, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Manhattan, Overland Park, and all of Johnson County; and those that have a balance in their CDBG Local Revolving Loan Funds. These entities will not be eligible to apply.
CVR funding is only available to for-profit businesses under 50 total employees.
Yes. However, the funding is limited up to $50,000 for each business (based on size) and $150,000 per city/county. Construction projects will use a large part of these funds, so it might be better to look for other funding sources if you’re interested in construction projects.
Yes. This funding is available to all eligible CDBG cities/communities. See the program guidelines for a list of ineligible communities.
Community Showcase Map
See other communities that have received funding in past years
LMI help The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program requires that each CDBG funded activity must either principally benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons, aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, or meet a community development need having a particular urgency.
Persons in Family |
LMI Family Income Limit* |
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*LMI calculations are from the 2020 Census and LMI by household are from 2024 HUD Section 8. Final LMI will be confirmed upon application review.
Find Assistance
Assistance from a professional with CDBG grant experience can help you streamline and strengthen your application. Some or all of the costs to engage help can be covered by your award.
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CVR Guidelines (.pdf) view all resources ApplicationApplication Deadline:
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