Dec 06, 2019
Business Name: DMC Service, Inc.
Business Contact Number: 913-481-0505
Business Address: PO Box 158 Olathe KS 66051
Primary Business Activity: HVAC and plumbing service contractor
Number of Employees (including owner): 11
How long have you been in business? 15 years In 2004 DMC was founded, one man a truck and a dream. In 2010 Karen, the current owner became 51% majority and in 2015 she bought the remaining shares of the business.
Owner’s Name: Karen Crnkovich
What is your background? I have extensive sales and marketing experience, along with solid head for business and financials.
What inspired you to start your business? I didn’t start DMC, but I said yes to keeping it going. I did this because I believe in our mission of DMC and what we provide to our customers.
What do you like about doing business in Kansas? Kansas is a great state to live and work in. We love the extraordinary mid-western values that our customers and vendors have.
What is your business philosophy/mission statement? Diamond Strong-Brilliant Work is our TAGLINE Our mission is to be the regions most trusted and respected mechanical contractor.
What sets your business apart from your competitors? DMC never gives up or in on tough projects. We always make things right.
How is your business involved in your community? We donate money & in-kind to several organizations in our area. Additionally, we hold a “Diamond Day of Service” each year when the entire team goes out to an individual home or non-profit agency and donates time.
Why should your business be included in the minority & women business spotlight? It is unusual to find a woman owned HVAC and plumbing business.
What was the biggest “win” in your business’ history? Successfully completing our 2nd UPS Compressed Natural Gas Maintenance Shop Modification project and being selected for our 3rd.
What’s one valuable lesson you’ve learned that you would share with other business owners? Understand the P&L AND Cash FLOW.
Tell us an interesting and fun fact about your business. We love the boys in blue! #foreverROYAL