Apr 21, 2022
The U.S. Commercial Service Presents and Supports the AmCham Business
Summit in Nairobi, Kenya at the United Nations Complex, Gigiri.
East Africa, the fastest growing region in Africa, is the next big export sales market for US businesses. The Summit aims to expand markets for U.S., Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopian businesses. The AmCham Summit Program will take place within the UN Complex and offers U.S. companies the following benefits:
In-Person Standard: $250, Virtual All-Access: $210
Sector Focus: Health and Life Sciences, Technology/Digital Trade, Manufacturing, Infrastructure Development, Agribusiness, Energy
Thematic Areas: U.S. – East Africa Trade & Investment, Economic Recovery and Resilience, Sustainability, Climate Change and Green Growth in Business, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), The Africa Continental Free Trade AreaConnect With: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia
Contact: George.Tastard@trade.gov or Leone.Mutoka@trade.govhttps://amchambizsummit.com/