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Hostess Brands, LLC

May 08, 2019

Hostess Brands, LLC

Hostess Brands, LLC, announced the opening of a new distribution center located in Edgerton, Kansas. The new location creates synergies with proximity to Hostess’s corporate office as well as its Emporia bakery, access to a highly skilled labor pool and additional opportunities for future projects. Hostess® is a leading brand in the Sweet Baked Goods category. The brand’s history dates back to 1919, when the Hostess® CupCake was introduced to the public, followed by Twinkies® in 1930. Today, the Company produces a variety of new and classic treats including Donettes®, Ding Dongs®, Zingers®, danishes, honeybuns and coffee cakes, in addition to Twinkies® and CupCakes.